Loader Animation

Niat dan Konsistensi adalah kunci utamanya.

Untuk jadi seorang developer kita harus belajar programming, pengolahan data, analisa sampai desain, maka dari itu sebuat niat pastinya harus disertai dengan konsistensi kita untuk belajar.


v-model tidak ter-update di mobile browser

raps.linkMasalah v-model tidak ter-update di mobile browser, mugkin kita tidak akan menyadari masalah ini sampai aplikasi selesai dan baru ketahuan saat kita test di ponsel (android).

berikut contohnya kalau di test run di mobile browser input yang kita ketik tidak akan reactive seperti yang kita inginkan :

This is working as expected. Gboard (and some other Android keyboards) has the feature of word suggestions - i.e. it shows a number of suggestions while you are half way through typing a word. This is marked by an underline under the current word that is being typed. It is considered incomplete until you either hit space (indicating ending the word) or explicitly selecting a suggestion. This is implemented using the same IME composition model as used in other language inputs. There is no way for Vue to special case this vs. other languages, and changing the behavior would be a breaking change. So this is a wontfix. If you for some reason absolutely need to update the model on every keypress, use a custom @input/:value pair.

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Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. A web framework provides a structure and starting point for creating your application, allowing you to focus on creating something amazing while we sweat the details. 
 Laravel strives to provide an amazing developer experience while providing powerful features such as thorough dependency injection, an expressive database abstraction layer, queues and scheduled jobs, unit and integration testing, and more.
Whether you are new to PHP or web frameworks or have years of experience, Laravel is a framework that can grow with you. 
We'll help you take your first steps as a web developer or give you a boost as you take your expertise to the next level. We can't wait to see what you build.